male confidence on a date

Confidence is one of the most important quality for men who want to attract women.

Men that are too insecure and have self-esteem problems are usually way less successful in the dating game than men who can project self-assuredness. Yet everybody can increase his level of confidence and become the type of man that women can’t help being attracted by.

Boosting your confidence is a slow and consistent process but if you start today, you’ll start seeing the difference in how women (and people in general) relate to you in just a few weeks. This article will explain in detail what to do to be more confident with women and attract them in the process.

Let Go of Your Insecurities

One of the main reasons men feel insecure around women is thinking that they are not goofenough. Some men think they’re not handsome enough, others think they’re not tall enough and some guys think they’re not wealthy enough.

And yet, there are average-looking, short guys with regular income who have incredible success in attracting women, dating them, and having fulfilling relationshipswith them. That’s because, while looks or wealth can help, they’re not the main drive of attraction for women.

It’s how your project yourself to women and to the external world, as well as how you interact and connect with her that will determine her level of attraction towards you. So, the first step to boosting confidence is to let go of all those wrong beliefs of what an attractive man must have and stop thinking that “you’re just not good enough”.

You have all the tools you need to improve your level of attractiveness if you work on yourself and change the way you relate to others.

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Slowly Get Out of Your Comfort Zone

A lot of people stay in their comfort zone for their whole life. They are often afraid to do and experience things that make them uncomfortable.

How to be confident with a girl

Getting out of the comfort zone doesn’t mean going bungee jumping or parachuting but rather start doing those things that you’ve been afraid of all your life, like starting conversations with strangers, disagreeing with people you never disagree with, and having life experiences that you would not consider part of your routine. The trick is to do this gradually. For example, you may begin by starting a random conversation once in a while and then increase the frequency to once a day or more.

The more you get acquainted with new situations, the more your comfort zone expands, and you become more comfortable doing things that you would have never done months before. This increases your level of confidence and other people, including women, will notice it when they interact with you.

Do a list of simple things that you’re afraid of doing but you have seen confident men doing effortlessly and start challenging yourself. After some time, you’ll realize that your fears were mostly unfounded and that you had been needlessly holding back for a long time.

Learn How to Be Assertive

This should not be confused with acting arrogantly or disrespectfully. Assertive men know what they want in life and are not afraid to show it in their actions and words. It’s totally possible to be assertive within the boundaries of respectfulness and gentleman-like behavior. Don’t be obsessed with the idea of having to be overly nice to everybody all the time.

Listen to others, respect them but then do your own thing and pursue your own motives and goals. Some men act like doing what they really want is wrong and it’s something that they should apologize for. They wrongly assume that women will dislike an assertive man and perceive it as rude.

This couldn’t be further from the truth. Women tend to feel naturally attracted to men who can project assertiveness in the right way. Assertiveness highlights a man’s masculinity and women can’t help but feel a gravitational pull toward men who display it.

Realize That Failure is Not Due to Your Inadequacy

When a man is rejected by a woman, or when he can’t seem to move things forward after going out with her, he often ends up thinking that is not good enough and that succeeding in dating is just not for him. In reality, when things don’t go the way we want, it’s rarely because we’re not adequate but rather because we either don’t have developed the right knowledge and skills yet or because that woman is simply looking for another type of person due to her own subjective tastes and previous experiences.

In the first case, failure is actually the best teacher. It’s only by putting ourselves out there and accumulating many interactions and experiences as possible, even the unsuccessful ones, that we gradually learn what works and what doesn’t.

How to feel confident with a girl

In the second case, it’s important to realize that no man on earth (or no woman for that matter) can always be liked by anybody all the time.

A woman may simply not be willing to have a conversation with anybody at a certain particular moment. If you went out and it didn’t work, it may be because you’re reminding of your ex-boyfriend and she is looking for something completely different. Or it may be that you don’t remind her of her boyfriend and she seems fixated on that type of man.

In either case, don’t take rejections and failures in general too personally. From each life experience, you will learn valuable things that will help you in the future.

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Do Things on Your Own Terms and Within Your Standards

Confident men look internally when deciding what to do in life situations and don’t do things based on what others tell them or expect them to do. Less confident men will continuously look for validation from women, from friends, and from the external world in general.

If you meet a girl and she proposes a place you absolutely despise to meet up, say you don’t like it and propose something else. If a girl is being overly disrespectful and expecting that you will take it because you’d do anything to be with her, prove her wrong.  You should have your own set of standards and make your decisions based on them. This doesn’t mean being blind to other people’s opinions, ideas, and preferences but rather not being shaped by others.

You’re the center of your own world and whatever you do and don’t do in life must come as a result of your own decisions and thoughts, unless is some sort of emergency situation or you have some mandatory responsibility towards a person.

This is usually not the case with a woman you’ve just met or have been dating for a couple of weeks. Be considerate of others but follow your own path.

Focus On Your Body Language and Non-Verbal Communication

Our posture, the way we walk, and the way we look at other people say a lot about us. The best way to project confidence is to pull your chest out, keep your chin up, avoid fidgeting and talk slowly and with a low tone of voice.

It’s also important not to shy away from eye contact, but also to look around from time to time to avoid coming across as creepy. When walking, try to have a relaxed attitude and a bit of “swagger”. These details may seem of little relevance to you but in a woman’s eyes can really make the difference.

It’s also important to be aware of your non-verbal communication. Things like the type of look you give to a woman in specific circumstances, the length of the silences, and when and how you touch her should all be adjusted in a way that projects self-assuredness and belief in yourself.

The same type of behavior (like quickly touching a woman on her elbow or shoulder) will be much more well-received if it comes from a confident, masculine man compared to an anxious, insecure guy. If you know people who are very successful in dating, try to observe their body language and ask yourself: what are the things they do that I don’t? And what are the things they don’t do that I do? This will give you precious hints that you can then replicate in your own dating life.

Learn How to Breathe Deeper and Take Your Time

Another characteristic of many confident men is that they do things at their own pace rather than just following everybody’s speed. It’s like they have a rhythm of their own and don’t allow external elements to change it.

secrets of confident men around women

Practicing slower and deeper breathing can help you a lot slow your internal rhythm down and adjust around the level that feels good for you. When you are outside among people and you catch yourself going to much with other people’s flow and not with your own, pause for a moment and take a couple of deep breaths.

Women are really attracted by men who seem to have their own internal balance and stability. It makes them perceive these men as strong, confident, and good to be around. By nature, women have a very fast internal process. They tend to think fast, feel fast, and to behave fast. For this reason, they tend to be attracted by the total opposite.

A man who is firm takes his time and seems to be the center of his own world feels like a rock in a stormy sea. That’s exactly the type of feeling women look for in a man, something that compensates for the more chaotic nature of their inner world. Practice this in everyday conversations, not necessarily with women you would like to date. It will feel a bit awkward initially and your friends may think you’re behaving weirdly but in the long term, it will help you be perceived as a more attractive guy to women as well as instill more respect in other men.

Make Friends with Confident Men

We can learn from others not just by observing them but also by being around them and interacting with them. Becoming friends with men who are very confident in different areas of their life can become a source of inspiration and motivate you to bring out your inner self-esteem.

As time goes by you may start picking up some of their mannerisms, attitude, and life philosophy. This can help you become more the type of man that attracts women and keeps them interested. Some of their behaviors may appear weird and counter-intuitive in the beginning. Society often tells us that being too assertive and pursuing your own interests is bad for a man. That’s why many tend to associate confidence with arrogance or selfishness. You should get rid of the preconceptions, start appreciating confident men and become one yourself.

male confidence on a date

These types of friends can also give you useful tips on women and relationships in general because they usually have a lot of experience in this field, and they know very well how women think and what attracts them to the opposite sex.

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Don’t Be Oversensitive and Emotional. Control Your Feelings.

One thing that really puts women off is when men are too delicate and get irritated too easily. A confident man is in charge of his emotions and doesn’t let them lose balance and calm. Women really like this trait in men because it’s usually the opposite them. They tend to let their rollercoaster of emotions transpire and their mood swings are often very drastic.

When they are around a stable guy who doesn’t let every little thing upset him or trigger him, they can’t help being attracted and feeling pulled towards him. A confident man also manages to stay calm and in control in difficult situations, like emergencies or tense events. He is the type of person people look for guidance in those types of moments.

Do a Lot of Physical Activity

Doing sports and training our body, in general, tends to naturally boost our confidence level because it also strengthens our mind and spirit. It teaches us to be more resilient and to understand ourselves at a deeper level.

Whether it’s going to the gym or swimming or doing group sports, physical activity can really help give you an extra boost to your level of confidence.

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