best signs of a woman's attantion

One reason why men miss a lot of dating opportunities is not being able to read attraction signs sent out by women who are attracted by them.

A woman tends to show subtle signs that she interested in you and if you don’t know where to look, you may not know when it’s the right time to make a move.

Often men get rejected by women who were extremely friendly with them because they had mistaken their friendly behavior for attraction and write off women who were apparently shy or nervous around them but were sending all the right attraction signals.

These two types of mistakes are much more common than you probably think.

Let’s have a look at the 10 most important signs that she most likely digs you.

1) She Turns Her Body Towards You

A very clear sign of interest and attraction is when you are in a conversation with a woman, and she tends to turn her body towards you fully.

This is especially true if she keeps facing you after turning toward you.

This probably happened to you more than once in the past and you didn’t notice it because you didn’t associate this type of behavior with her being interested in you.

Yet this is one of the most common body language signals that a womanwill send you to communicate that you have her full attention, that she is enjoying the conversation with you a lot, and that she wants to keep the interaction alive.

Even more so if you are in a group conversation and yet you’re the one she tends to face most of the time, at the risk of appearing less interested in what other people in that group aresaying.

In contrast, if she is not facing you entirely and maybe even giving you the shoulder and the side, or when she is mostly facing somebody else during a conversation, this means that she’s not particularly attracted to you and she isn’t really trying to catch your attention.

2) She is Constantly Making Eye Contact with You

If she often makes eye contact with you, instead of looking around a lot and checking her surroundings, there’s a good chance she digs you and wants to get to know you better.

Signs if a girl likes a guy

When she is regularly looking you in the eyes, it means that you have her full focus and that nothing in her surroundings catches her interest more than you.

In this scenario, it’s important to reciprocate without staring at her constantly, which could make her very uncomfortable and force her to put some distance between the two of you. Look at her for three or four seconds, then look away a bit, and then look at her again.

By doing so, you are communicating that you are really listening to what she is saying and that you’re interested in getting to know her better.

Eye contact is also an important sign of attraction when the two of you are not in the same conversation but a bit far from each other.

If she’s looking at you frequently from the other side of the room and diverting attention from her friends and social circle, that’s a very powerful sign that she is interested in you.

Frequent eye contact is probably one of the clearest signs of attraction that women send, so make sure you don’t let it pass below your radar.

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3) She Avoids Mentioning Boyfriends or Past Relationships

If you are in a conversation with a woman and she is trying to doge topics like boyfriends, dating other guys, or past relationships, there is a good chance that she likes you.

That’s because when a woman is into you and open to dating you, she doesn’t want you to think that she is “taken”, or that she is in a committed relationship or that past boyfriends are still an important part of their life.

What she is trying to communicate is that she is free, she likes you and she wouldn’t mind getting to you better, possibly in a romantic way.

Of course, topics like relationships and previous loves may casually pop in the conversation.It’s the amount of timeand the way she discusses them that makes a big difference.

If she is not the one bringing up the topic, if she tries to keep the debate on a generic level without going into the specifics of her previous partners and if she tries to keep the conversation as short as possible before moving on to other subjects, she probably likes you and wants to communicate that she is currently considering starting a new relationship.

In contrast, women who are not interested in a man may very often mention a boyfriend even when they are not in a relationship and even when they are ready to date somebody that they are actually attracted to.

4) She Often Touches You

When a woman is touching you frequently, it’s a very strong sign that she is feeling physical attraction towardsyou, and she doesn’t just see you as a potential new friend.

How a girl in love acts

Usually, this is a very light and intermittent form of touching, like putting her hand on your shoulder, leaning in towards you, and lightly touching your leg when you’re both sitting down.

Sometimes touching may be even more direct, like pushing her body against yours when she’s cold or putting her head on your shoulder when she wants to rest a bit.

Anytime a woman is touching a man for reason beyond social conventions (like a handshake) or innocent displays of affection (hugging a close friend), there is a high chance that she is into him.

Most women wouldn’t touch a guy in the ways mentioned before unless they are naturally attracted to him.

Being able to read this specific sign of attraction is also a great way to understand when it’s ok for you to make physical content.

If you touch her lightly after she has touched you more than once, you’re escalating physical contact in the right way.

Many men can’t read these signs and end up trying to escalate with women who haven’t displayed any convincing sign of interest first, which may very well lead to rejection, as well as her feeling awkward and uncomfortable.

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5) She Touches Her Hair Very Often

This is another very important sign that men tend to overlook because they usually don’t associate any meaning with it.

When a woman is often touching and adjusting her hair in your presence, there is a strong possibility that she likes you and is trying to catch your attention.

There are two main reasons why women touch their hair all the time when they are attracted to a man.

The first one is trying to look good for you. If she digs you, showing her best possible appearance is a natural behavior for a woman.

The second one is to defuse the nervousness that she usually feels when she experiences that type of attraction.

Her unconscious is worrying that she doesn’t look good enough to make a good first impression and therefore tries to compensate by touching and adjusting her hair.

Of course, women tend to touch and style their hair frequently in general. But is she doing it much more often when she is around you?

If she is, you have a very strong indicator of attraction, which combined with other signs mentioned on this list, is a good sign that it may be time to start moving things forward.

6) She’s Adjusting Her Clothes Very Often

A similar attraction sign is when she frequently adjusts her clothes.

This is especially true if she is doing it more frequently than usual and if she is doing it more often around you than around others.

Signs of a woman's affection

As with touching her hair, the main reason why she is doing this is to look good and showcase her best possible appearance to you.

When a woman is very beautiful and attractive, a lot of men seem to lose sight of the fact that she may also feel that type of attraction towards another person and be insecure about her looks. His beauty tends to distract us from what emotions and worries are going on inside that person.

Yet no matter how good their looks are, attractive women feel attraction, nervousness, and shyness like anybody else.That’s why is good advice to avoid putting women’s beauty on a pedestal and focus on the actual living, thinking, and feeling person in front you.

Not being overly infatuated with how she looks and paying attention to how she is behaving and what’s probably going on in her head will make it way easier for you to spot attraction signs when they come.

7) She Often Smiling and Laughing with You

This sign of attraction is a bit tricky because it’s not always easy to determine whether her smiles and laughs are conveying attraction or friendliness.

Some women are very outgoing and tend to behave very cheerfully around most people, including friends or people they just met.

The question you should ask yourself is whether her smiling and laughing behavior are very different around you compared to other people.

Is she chuckling randomly in group conversations and participating in the general fun or is she sending more unique smiles toward you and laughing to attract your attention and be liked by you?

When women are around a man that they like a lot, they often tend to be quite nervous, and laughing may also be a way to break the tension.

Does she appear to be a bit jumpier around you than around other people and to laugh a lotin order to defuse the stress or is she relaxed around everybody and just “vibing” with the crowd?

Distinguishing between these two types of behaviors will help you understand better whether she’s into you or not.

Since this is one of the trickiest signs to detect, try to spot it in combination with other attraction signs that we have listed in this article.

8) She’s Often Complimenting You

Another major display of interest is when women tend to often compliment you and say positive things about you.

This is especially true if her compliments are the results of her full initiative and not a response to you complimenting her first.

This behavior is much more intuitive than many men think. How often do men tend to compliment women they like with positive comments on their looks, style, or personality?

Women basically do the same thing when they are attracted to a guy. They are just way more subtle.

How to know if a girl likes you

Rather than telling you how stunning you look or what a great guy you are, they will go for more low-key, yet highly indicative comments, like making positive remarks on your intelligence, your sense of humor, or how funny are.

It’s particularly telling when she is doing this a lot with you and not with other guys because it means that this is not her typical behavior around members of the opposite sex.

Sometimes she may also compliment you on your look, but still in a very low-key way, like a light positive remark on your skin, your hair, or your clothing style rather than generic flattering comments about how hot you look and what a nice body you have.

9) She Looks for Random Reasons to Continue to Talk to You

This attraction sign is often overlooked or mistaken for her being simply a very social person.

When a woman is really into a man, she doesn’t want the conversation with him to end and will look for any excuse to keep it alive for as long as possible.

If the conversation is running out of topics, she will start asking your random questions or mentioning random topics to keep the interaction going.

It’s very easy to mistake this attraction sign for general friendliness, but the two things are very different.

A woman who is just being friendly or just likes you as an individual will enjoy talking to you but won’t go out of her way to stay in the conversation for longer than normal.

So, it’s important to look for behaviors that she wants the interaction to continue indefinitely, like asking you about in which district do you live when a conversation on your work is fading out or asking you if you like a certain cuisine after you’ve been talking about something completely unrelated.

Sometimes her questions may even sound silly and out of place but don’t judge her for it. After all, she just happens to like you a lot.

10) She Tries to Understand Whether You Have a Girlfriend or Not

We left the most obvious attraction sign for last.

When a woman is trying to understand whether you are “taken” or not, it’s a good sign that she sees you as dating material, especially if you haven’t brought up the topic of your girlfriend or wife before.

This sign of interest is pretty self-explanatory: she digs you, she envisions the possibility of getting to you better on a romantic level and she’s checking whether that option is open. Don’t lose your time, sign up right now for getting the most interesting experience in your life!

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